Breastfeeding Stories - Amanda

This is Amanda and her youngest little girl Freya.

These are her words.

I grew up surrounded by women who breastfed their babies anywhere and everywhere and as the second of five children saw my mum breastfed my siblings, specially the two youngest for up to when they were three years old so for me was the only way I always thought babies were fed, and that it was the most easy thing to do. 

It wasn't until I became an aunt and saw my sister in agony trying to feed her first baby with cracked nipples that I realised it wasn't such an easy thing. Luckily for me (as an example to follow) my sister got all the help she could and got to have a four years happy breastfeeding journey with her baby.

So when Olivia, my first born, was born and latched straight away I was really pleased. It wasn't until she was almost three months old that we realised she had a tongue tide and wasn't getting enough milk and by then my supply had dropped dramatically. Luckily we got help and with lots of pumping we got back on the game.

I just finished feeding Freya, my two years old, this summer and, even though I'm enjoying having my body back to myself, I feel very emotional when I see babies breastfeed. Who knows, maybe my journey isn't finish yet!


Breastfeeding Stories - Farzana


Breastfeeding Stories - Fiona